
I. 使用頻率100%
001 See you later.
待會見;再聯絡 A: I have to go.
B: See you later.

002 What’s up?
近來過得如何? A: Hey! What’s up?
B: Nothing much! As usual.

003 It’s on me.
我來付 A: The beer is on me.
B: Thank you.

004 I mean it.
我是說真的 A: Do you really want to quit your job?
B: I mean it.

005 Check, please.
買單 A: Check, please.
B: Yes, sir.

006 Mind your own business.
別多管閒事 A: What were you talking about?
B: Mind your own business.

007 Hold on.
請稍等 A: May I leave a message, please?
B: Hold on.

008 Whatever!
隨你的便 A: Shall I tell him tonight or tomorrow?
B: Whatever!

009 After you.
你先(請) A: Please come in.
B: After you.

010 Nonsense!
胡說八道! A: Tell me the truth. I don’t want nonsense.
B: I am telling the truth.

011 Cheer up!
振作點 A: We lost the game again!
B: Cheer up! You’ll do better next time.

012 No way!
不行 A: Let’s have pizza for lunch.
B: No way! I hate pizza.

013 Go for it!
加油! A: It’s an important test.
B: Yes, I will go for it!

014 You’ve got me there. / (it) beats me.
我想不出來:我不知道:你考倒我了 A: Do you know the height of that building?
B: You’ve got me there. (Beats me)

015 Who Cares!
誰管你呀! A: I can’t finish my homework. Can you help me to do some?
B: Who cares!

016 I’ll get it.
我來接(電話) A: The phone is ringing.
B: I’ll get it.

017 It depends.
看情形 A: When will you wake up?
B: It depends.

018 Out of the question!
不可能的 A: Could I borrow your bike?
B: Out of the question!

019 Allow me.
讓我來 A: Please allow me to open the door for you.
B: Thank you.

020 Calm down
冷靜一點 A: Calm down. It’s not such a big deal.
B: You won’t understand.

021 Thank you.
謝謝 A: You are beautiful!
B: Thank you.

022 You’re welcome.
不客氣 A: Thank you for the flowers.
B: You’re welcome.

023 Goodbye.
再見 A: Take care!
B: You too! Goodbye!

024 How are you(doing)?
你好嗎? A: How are you?
B: Not very good. I got a cold.

025 I have had enough!
我真是受夠了! A: I have had enough!
B: Why? What did he do?

026 Let’s call it a day.
今天到此為止吧! A: Let’s call it a day. I am so tired.
B: All right!

027 Not again!
不會吧! A: Everyone’s late.
B: Not again!

028 Knock it off!
住手!不要吵! A: Knock it off! I am trying to study.
B: Sorry, I didn’t know that you are studying.

029 Good night.
晚安 A: Good night, everybody.
B: Good night, Jill! Have a sweet dream.

030 Sure!
可以呀! A: Could I use your computer?
B: Sure!

031 Of course.
當然! A: Could I borrow your car?
B: Of course.

032 Yes.
是的 A: Is this your cell phone?
B: Yes, it is mine.

033 Why?
為什麼? A: Sarah is not coming.
B: Why?

034 Be careful on the road.
路上小心 A: Be careful on the road. It’s getting dark.
B: Ok!

035 You decide.
你決定吧! A: Do you want the black tie or the red one?
B: You decide.

036 Never mind.
沒關係;不要緊 A: I am sorry that I broke your radio.
B: Never mind.

037 That’s all right.
沒關係 A: I didn’t mean to be bump into you.
B: That’s all right.

038 I don’t know.
我不知道 A: Do you know where the police station is?
B: I don’t know.

039 Is there anything wrong?
有問題嗎? A: The boss was every angry at the meeting.
B: Why? Is there anything wrong?

040 No problem.
沒問題 A: Could I borrow your car tomorrow?
B: Sure! No problem.

041 You are joking! (No kidding)
別開玩笑了 A: Did you know that Linda’s uncle is Jacky Chen?
B: You are joking! How did you know that?

042 Why not?
為什麼不行? A: You can’t go out today.
B: Why not?

043 I don’t understand….
我不懂 A: Betty broke up with her new boyfriend.
B: I don’t understand how could this happen?

044 And then?
然後呢? A: You should take this form to the first counter.
B: And then? What should I do?

045 So what?
那又如何?那又怎樣? A: Do you know there is a new theater down the street?
B: Yeah. So what?

046 It’s alright.
還好 A: How’s your steak?
B: It’s alright.

047 I am OK.
我沒事 A: Are you hurt?
B: I am OK.

048 Bon voyage.
一路順風 A: We are leaving for Boston tonight.
B: Bon voyage.

049 What happened?
發生了什麼事? A: Lucy is crying.
B: Why? What happened?

050 Come on!
來嘛!拜託! A: I don’t want to go to the party.
B: Come on! Don’t be shy.

II. 使用頻率90%
051 Come off it!
別裝蒜了:別扯了:住口 A: I think I failed my exam.
B: Come off it! This is the third time you mention it.

052 Give me a break!
饒了我吧! A: It’s only a twenty-minute walk.
B: Give me a break! My legs are killing me.

053 That’s enough!
夠了! A: That’s enough. I’ve had enough of you.
B: Please let me explain.

054 Stop!
停! A: Stop! You are going to bump that tree!
B: Stop yelling!

055 Cut it out!
別鬧了(停止打鬥、爭吵等) A: Cut it out! The baby is sleeping.
B: Sorry about that.

056 Over the line
太過分了 A: You better say sorry to her. You are over the line this time.
B: She hit me first.

057 Where is this?
這是哪裡? A: Where is this?
B: This is the post office.

058 It didn’t occur to me
我沒想到…. A: It didn’t occur to me that I would see you here.
B: Neither did I.

059 Look over there!
看那兒! A: Look over there! I think there is a fire.
B: I hope that nobody is hurt.

060 No way! Absolutely out of the question!
不行;絕不可能 A: Dad, can I have a party in our house?
B: No way! (Absolutely out of the question!)

061 Leave me alone.
別煩我 A: Cheer up and go having some fun.
B: Just leave me alone.

062 Who is it?
誰呀? A: Who is it?
B: It’s me. Open the door.

063 It’s terrible.
糟斃了 A: How was the movie?
B: It was terrible.

064 Wait for me.
等等我 A: We are going to leave now!
B: Hey! Wait for me!

065 I know what you mean.
我知道你的意思. A: Do you understand me?
B: I know what you mean.

066 Can’t help
克制不了;沒辦法控制 A: Can you stop laughing?
B: I can’t help myself.

067 Let me tell you…
讓我告訴你…… A: I don’t know how to get to the station.
B: Let me tell you the way.

068 Drop in sometime!
有空來坐坐 A: Bye! See you next time.
B: Remember to drop in sometime.

069 Let’s get together next time.
下次再約出來聚聚 A: Wow! What a night!
B: Yeah! Let’s get together next time.

070 That’s easy for you to say.
你說的倒容易 A: Remember to keep up your hard work.
B: That’s easy for you to say.

071 Go ahead.
請便 A: Excuse me, I want to go to the bathroom.
B: Go ahead.

072 You’re out of your mind! / You’ve got to be out of your mind!
你瘋嘍! A: Let’s jump down from here.
B: You’ve got to be out of your mind! (You’re out of your mind!)

073 You don’t have to tell me.
不用你告訴我(還用你說) A: You don’t have to tell me. I know already.
B: I am just trying to remind you.

074 I can’t promise.
我不敢保證 A: I need you to finish this tonight.
B: I can’t promise.

075 I can’t complain / I have nothing to complain about
不錯呀!沒啥好抱怨的 A: Is everything OK here?
B: Everything is fine. I can’t complain.

076 In short
總而言之 A: So how was your trip to London?
B: It was great in short.

077 In any case
無論如何 A: We have to get these done in any case.
B: I don’t think that we can make it.

078 You dare (to)
你敢…. A: Do you dare to jump off that wall?
B: I dare not.

079 Welcome!
歡迎你來 A: Nice to meet you.
B: Welcome. Please come in.

080 What’s even worse….
更慘的是…. A: Tony failed the exam.
B: What’s even worse is that his girlfriend wants to break up with him.

081 It’s not worth it.
不值得 A: Should I buy this watch?
B: No, it’s not worth it.

082 Take a seat. / Be seated.
請坐 A: Please take a seat, Mr. Wang will be right with you.
B: Thank you.

083 I am fine. / It couldn’t be better.
我很好;再好也不過了 A: How are you?
B: I am fine, thank you.

084 Supposed to
應該是 A: Where are the books?
B: They are supposed to be on the shelf.

085 Don’t say anymore.
別再說了! A: Please don’t say any more.
B: I’m sorry! I don’t know that I am bothering you.

086 I think we have met somewhere.
我想我們在哪見過 A: I think we have met somewhere.
B: You look really familiar.

087 How long do you want us to wait for you?
你要我們等你多久? A: How long do you want us to wait for you?
B: Five more minutes.

088 Hurry up!
快一點 A: Hurry up! You are going to be late for school.
B: Coming, coming.

089 I’m off (to)
我要去… A: Where are you going?
B: I am off to the bank.

090 Who do you think you are?
你以為你是誰啊? A: Move! I want to sit here.
B: Who do you think you are?

091 Nice to meet you.
幸會、幸會 A: Nice to meet you!
B: My pleasure.

092 I don’t mind.
我不介意 A: Do you mind if I smoke here?
B: No, I don’t mind.

093 That really burns me up!
那真的惹毛我了 A: Why are you so mad?
B: He poured water on me. That really burns me up!

094 Good job! / Great job! / Nice going!
幹得好! A: I got 100 in math!
B: Good job!

095 Not in your lifetime!
門都沒有 A: Could I ask you out?
B: Not in your lifetime!

096 Could you repeat that?
請再重複一遍好嗎? A: Could you repeat that? I didn’t get it.
B: Sure! I will say it again.

097 Let it be.
就這樣吧! A: Should I take out the logo sticker on this page?
B: No, let it be. It looks pretty good.

098 Come in
(請)進來 A: May I come in?
B: Please!

099 What are you up to lately?
最近忙些什麼呢? A: What are you up to lately?
B: The same things.

100 I am afraid…
恐怕… A: I am afraid it’s going to rain soon.
B: Bring an umbrella with you.

III. 使用頻率80%

101 It’s a pity.
真可惜 A: Jimmy is sick. He won’t be able to come.
B: It’s a pity.

102 How could you think that?
你怎麼會這麼想? A: You don’t love me anymore.
B: How could you think that?

103 My computer crashed.
我的電腦當機了 A: Why are you using my computer?
B: My computer crashed.

104 That’s because…
那是因為…. A: Why did you leave your job?
B: That’s because my boss fired me.

105 Good idea.
好點子 A: Let’s go out for dinner.
B: Good idea.

106 Have fun.
玩得盡興點 A: We’re leaving for the beach.
B: Have fun.

107 What would you like to eat?
你要吃什麼? A: What would you like to eat?
B: I want some noodles.

108 Wake up and smell the coffee.
你別妄想了 A: Do you think mom will let me drive the car?
B: Wake up and smell the coffee.

109 It’s your turn.
輪到你了 A: It’s your turn. Good luck.
B: Thanks.

110 It means
這表示 A: What dose this word “delusion” mean?
B: It means false belief.

111 Take it easy!
別緊張 A: I don’t know if I will be able to win the race.
B: Take it easy! You can do it.

112 Frankly speaking…
坦白說 A: Frankly speaking, I think the party was a failure.
B: You are right.

113 On line
在線上 A: Tim is on line. He wants to talk to you.
B: OK.

114 You have the wrong number.
你打錯了 A: You have the wrong number.
B: I am sorry.

115 Give….a call.
打電話給…. A: Give me a call when you get home.
B: OK.

116 This is … speaking.
我是…. A: Who is speaking?
B: This is Sharon speaking.

117 What number did you call?
你打幾號? A: May I speak to Julian, please?
B: What number did you call? There is no Julian here.

118 I’ll call you back later.
待會回電給你 A: I need to take out the trash now. I’ll call you back later.
B: Sure.

119 Can you handle it?
做得來吧? A: Can you handle it?
B: No problem!

120 Who was it? / Who called?
誰打來的電話? A: Who was it?
B: Wrong number.

121 Could I speak to…
請找….. A: Hello, could I speak to Gary?
B: Hold on a second.

122 Better left unsaid.
還是別說好了 A: So what happened to your friend who stole money from his company?
B: Better left unsaid.

123 Don’t push me.
別逼我;別推我 A: Would you stop pushing me?
B: Then give me back my money.

124 I am exhausted.
我累翻了 A: I need some rest. I am exhausted.
B: We have only been walking for thirty minutes.

125 Do you have change?
你有零錢嗎? A: Do you have change? I am going to take a bus.
B: Sorry, I don’t.

126 If…
如果 If I were you, I would tell him the truth.

127 What time is it?
幾點了? A: Wendy is always late. What time is it?
B: It’s already five.

128 May I help you? / What’s up?
我可以幫你嗎? / 有事嗎? A: May I help you?
B: Yes, I am looking for Dr. Lee.

129 Please don’t be mad at me.
請不要生我的氣 A: Please don’t be mad at me. I really didn’t mean it.
B: Fine. Don’t do it again.

130 My God!
我的天哪! A: My God! Your room is such a mess.
B: OK. I will clean it up right now.

131 Let me think….
讓我想想….. A: Tow thousand dollars is my best offer.
B: Let me think about it.

132 You’re so difficult!
你很龜毛耶! A: I don’t know which one to buy.
B: Samuel, you are so difficult!

133 Long time no see.
好久不見 A: Long time no see. So, what are you up to lately?
B: Nothing much.

134 Where is the bathroom?
廁所在哪? A: Excuse me, where is the bathroom?
B: Take a left at the first corner.

135 Let me have it! / Let’s have it!
告訴我(們)怎麼一回事! A: Well, I saw Mr. Wang going to the movies with Kelly last night.
B: Let me have it! What else did you see?

136 You got me!
你考倒我了! A: Do you know how to solve this problem?
B: You got me! I really don’t know.

137 Do it
動手去做;去做吧! A: Stop complaining. Just do it.
B: It’s not that easy.

138 Let’s go shopping.
一起去逛街吧! A: Let’s go shopping!
B: Sorry, I can’t. I still got a lot of work to do.

139 It’s very dangerous…
…真危險 A: Don’t put the knife there. It’s very dangerous.
B: Sorry.

140 It’s miraculous!
真是太神奇了! A: It’s miraculous! How did you do that?
B: It’s magic.

141 I could hardly catch my breath.
我快忙不過來了 A: How is everything going?
B: I got tons of work to do. I could hardly catch my breath.

142 What are we going to do later?
我們待會要幹嘛? A: It’s really boring just staying here. What are we going to do later?
B: I don’t know. Do you have any ideas?

143 May I have your name, please?
請問你叫什麼名字? A: I have reserved a table for two.
B: Yes. May I have your name, please?

144 On the contrary,…
相反地 A: Did you have a good time at the party?
B: No, on the contrary, it was boring.

145 I have to attend a meeting later.
等會我要開會 A: Want to go having a cup of coffee?
B: No, thanks. I have to attend a meeting later.

146 Step aside
讓開 A: Please step aside. You are blocking my way.
B: Sorry!

147 I am outspoken.
我講話直了些 A: You shouldn’t have said that.
B: Sorry, I was outspoken.

148 It suddenly strikes me…
我突然想到… A: Wait! It suddenly strikes me that we can go to Kenting this weekend.
B: Yeah. Good idea.

149 What’s the rush?
你趕著去哪? A: Larry, what is the rush?
B: The train is going to leave in ten minutes.

150 I am heading to bed.
我要去睡了 A: I am heading to bed.
B: OK. Good night.

IV. 使用頻率70%

151 What’s on tap for today?
今天有什麼事要完成的? A: What’s on tap for today?
B: We have to finish the project today.

152 It’s acceptable.
可以接受的 A: How was my report?
B: It’s acceptable.

153 Don’t take things too hard.
想開一點 A: I just can’t take it anymore!
B: Hey! Relax! Don’t take things too hard.

154 Ouch!
唉唷! A: Ouch! That really hurts.
B: Sorry about that.

155 Oops!
哇! A: Oops! I didn’t mean to do that.
B: It’s OK. Be careful next time.

156 Aw!
(表示抗議、同情、厭惡)噢! A: Quiz tomorrow.
B: Aw! Not again.

157 It’s unbelievable.
真是難以相信 A: Jason and Helen got married.
B: Wow! It’s unbelievable.

158 I am speechless.
我無話可說 A: I caught you with another woman.
B: I am speechless.

159 I can’t do anything
我無能為力 A: I felt so bad. I can’t do anything to help her.
B: You’ve done what you could.

160 Take care
保重 A: Remember to take care of yourself when you get there.
B: I know. You, too.

161 By the way
順道一提 A: By the way, where is the bathroom?
B: Just around the corner.

162 It’s here!
在這兒 A: It’s here! I found your cat?
B: Thank you so much.

163 It’s time to go.
該走了 A: Oh my God! I have lost track of the time. It’s time to go.
B: OK. See you then.

164 Do you mind…
你介意…? A: Do you mind if I sit beside you?
B: Of course not. Take a seat.

165 Got it.
收到;了解 A: You have to get this done by tomorrow.
B: Got it.

166 And you?
你呢? A: I want to have a cheeseburger. And you?
B: I will have a hotdog.

167 Relax
放輕鬆 A: Relax. There is no need to worry.
B: Are you sure?

168 Do you know…?
你知道….嗎? A: Do you know what happened to him?
B: No. What’s wrong?

169 I’ve changed my mind.
我改變心意了 A: Didn’t you want this watch?
B: I’ve changed my mind.

170 The sooner, the better.
越快越好 A: When do you want this mailed?
B: The sooner, the better.

171 In other words,…
換句話說 A: I like cold weather.
B: In other words, you like winter.

172 It’s not a big deal.
沒什麼大不了的 A: I did not pass my test.
B: It’s not a big deal. Try harder next time.

173 Is it clear?
清楚嗎? A: Let me try this pair of glasses.
B: Is it clear?

174 Pretty cool!
好酷喔! A: My mom bought me this watch.
B: Pretty cool!

175 I feel that ….
我覺得…. A: I feel that today is colder than yesterday.
B: Then you should wear a coat.

176 I don’t believe so.
我不這麼認為 A: I think she is very honest.
B: I don’t believe so.

177 How could you stand…
你怎麼受得了….? A: It’s very hot in Taiwan.
B: How could you stand staying here all summer?

178 I still have things to do.
我還有事要做 A: Let’s go out for a walk.
B: Sorry, I still have things to do.

179 I love it.
我愛死了 A: Do you like the movie?
B: I love it.

180 Let’s go!
我們走吧! A: Want to go shopping?
B: Yes, let’s go!

181 Time’s up.
時間到了 A: Time’s up.
B: But I’m not ready yet.

182 What’s wrong?
怎麼了? A: What’s wrong?
B: I don’t fell well.

183 So bothering
煩死了 A: It’s so bothering!
B: Too much homework?

184 It’s disgusting!
討厭死了;噁心 A: Do you like snakes?
B: It’s disgusting!

185 I feel like it.
我高興(怎麼做就怎麼做) A: Why do you do that first?
B: I feel like it.

186 There you go!
請便! A: Can I see this?
B: There you go!

187 Is there anything I can help you with?
有什麼我可以幫忙的嗎? A: Is there anything I can help you with?
B: No, I’m fine.

188 I’ll be right there.
馬上來 A: Are you coming?
B: Yes, I’ll be right there.

189 It really hurts.
好痛 A: Are you OK?
B: It really hurts.

190 Do you have a second now?
你現在有時間嗎? A: Do you have a second now?
B: Sure.

191 Let me think about it.
讓我考慮一下 A: Do you plan to go?
B: Let me think about it.

192 What then / How then / Where then?
不然呢? A: Why did you come here?
B: Where else then?

193 Sounds like…
聽起來像是…. A: Did you hear that?
B: Sounds like a bird singing.

194 It’s a pity that.. (I’m sorry to hear that...)
很遺憾…. A: It’s a pity that you didn’t come.
B: Yes. I heard it was fun.

195 What day is today?
今天是幾號? A: What day is today?
B: It’s the fifth.

196 I’m not sure.
我不確定 A: Can you come?
B: I’m not sure.

197 It’s hard to say.
很難說 A: Will you go?
B: It’s hard to say.

198 Maybe.
說不定… A: Is it going to rain?
B: Maybe.

199 I’m full / hungry.
我飽(餓)了 A: Please eat more.
B: I’m full already.

200 I don’t feel like eating.
我吃不下;我沒食慾 A: Why didn’t you eat dinner?
B: I don’t feel like eating.

V. 使用頻率60%

201 Lock the door, please.
請把門鎖上 A: Can I come in?
B: Yes, but lock the door, please.

202 I’m so thirsty.
我口好渴 A: Want to eat something?
B: No, I’m so thirsty.

203 I don’t feel well.
我不舒服 A: You look weak.
B: I don’t feel well.

204 I’ll do my best.
我盡量;我盡力 A: Please help me.
B: I’ll do my best.

205 Are you ready?
準備好了嗎? A: Are you ready?
B: Yes, let’s go.

206 I can’t imagine.
我不能想像 A: The apple was bigger than my hand.
B: I can’t imagine.

207 It’s such bad luck.
真倒楣! A: It’s such bad luck.
B: What’s wrong?

208 You are so mean.
你好兇 A: Get out of here.
B: You are so mean.

209 I’ll accompany you.
我陪你 A: I don’t want to go alone.
B: I’ll accompany you.

210 Along the way
順便 A: Will you buy some drinks along the way?
B: No problem.

211 I love you.
我愛你 A: I love you.
B: Love you, too.

212 Next time.
下次吧! A: When will you come?
B: Next time.

213 Good morning.
早安 A: Good morning, everyone.
B: You sure look energetic this morning.

214 I hate you.
我恨你 A: I hate you.
B: But why?

215 What’s it got to do with you?
干你什麼事? A: Don’t be mad at him anymore.
B: What’s it got to do with you?

216 I just don’t understand…
我就是想不通…. A: He likes to be alone.
B: I just don’t understand why.

217 Now you know!
你現在才知道? A: That’s why you don’t like him.
B: Now you know!

218 Get out.
滾! A: Get out.
B: Fine.

219 So boring
真無聊 A: The movie was so boring.
B: I thought so, too.

220 I wouldn’t know!
你問我,我問誰? A: What’s her name?
B: I wouldn’t know!

221 God damn it!
媽的;該死 A: God damn it! I lost my watch.
B: That’s no big deal.

222 I want the same.
我要一樣的 A: One large coke, please
B: I want the same.

223 The most important thing is…
最重要的是… You are smart. But the most important thing is that you are diligent.

224 I’ve been through it.
我領教過了 A: She is so unreasonable.
B: I’ve been through it.

225 You’ve been there?
你去過? A: Disneyland is fun.
B: You’ve been there?

226 God! What the hell are you doing?
天呀!你到底在幹嘛? A: God! What the hell are you doing?
B: Cleaning my room.

227 Come on. Just go alone with it.
好啦!將就一點嘛! A: This place is small.
B: Come on. Just go alone with it.

228 What do you think? Do you like it?
你覺得如何?你還喜歡吧? A: What do you think? Do you like it?
B: Yes, I do.

229 It’s better than nothing.
有總比沒有好 A: I hate this jacket.
B: It’s better than nothing.

230 It’s better not to talk about it.
還是別說好了 A: I don’t like my teacher.
B: It’s better not to talk about it.

231 Under normal circumstances
在正常情況下 Under normal circumstances, this will work.

232 I don’t think it’s bothering at all.
我一點也不覺得煩 A: Sorry that this is so troubling you.
B: I don’t think it’s bothering at all.

233 I’m just thinking about it.
只是想想罷了 A: Are you going to change your mind?
B: I’m just thinking about it.

234 We’ll do as you say.
就照著你的意思做吧! A: I want this here.
B: We’ll do as you say.

235 So happy to see you.
真高興見到你 A: Long time no see.
B: So happy to see you.

236 May I take you there?
我送你一程好嗎? A: I want to go to school.
B: May I take you there?

237 You’re not in trouble, are you?
沒有惹麻煩吧?(長輩對晚輩的說詞) A: I hate school.
B: You’re not in trouble, are you?

238 Shut up.
別吵了 Shut up and sit down.

239 Don’t bother me.
別打擾我(當自己在忙時) A: You look very busy.
B: Yes, don’t bother me.

240 What have you been up to lately?
最近忙些什麼? A: I have been very busy lately.
B: What have you been up to lately?

241 Whose is it?
這是誰的東西? A: I found a watch.
B: Whose is it?

242 When are you paying me back?
你什麼時候還我錢? A: When are you paying me back?
B: I am sorry. My budget is still tight.

243 Talk to you later.
待會兒再跟你談 A: The meeting will be held in three more minutes.
B: OK. I will talk to you later then.

244 It’s really interesting.
太有趣了 A: This book is really interesting. I have already read it twice.
B: What is the title of the book?

245 It stinks.
好臭! A: Who farted? It stinks!
B: Not me.

246 I didn’t notice.
我沒注意 A: Was that Tim who just passed us?
B: I didn’t notice.

247 Awesome
讚 A: You look awesome in that purple shirt.
B: Really? Thank you!

248 Nobody knows. / Who knows?
沒人知道(答案)/ 誰知道? A: Who did it?
B: Nobody knows.

249 That’s fine with me.
我沒意見 A: What do you think of this?
B: That’s fine with me.

250 I am too fat.
我太胖了 A: Want some more cakes?
B: No, thanks. I am too fat.

VI. 使用頻率50%

251 Let’s talk about it.
我們商量一下 A: Where should we go on our first day?
B: Let’s talk about it first.

252 Send my regards to … for me.
代我問候… A: See you next time.
B: Bye! Send my regards to Kelly for me.

253 I am going on a diet.
我在節食 A: Why don’t you eat some more?
B: Because I am going on a diet.

254 …not at good as…
….不如… A: The new washing machine is not as good as the old one.
B: I told you to fix the old one.

255 Could you lend me some money?
可以借我點錢嗎? A: Could you lend me some money?
B: Sorry. I am broke myself.

256 Good afternoon.
午安 A: Good afternoon.
B: Good afternoon. It’s a beautiful afternoon.

257 This is my parking space.
這是我的停車位 A: This is my parking space.
B: Who said so?

258 Contact me
與我聯絡 A: Have you heard from Jet yet?
B: He hasn’t contacted me yet.

259 Are you wearing a new outfit today?
你今天穿新衣服嗎? A: Are you wearing a new outfit today? It looks really nice.
B: Thank you.

260 I lost my wallet / purse.
我的皮夾/錢包掉了 A: Oh no! I lost my wallet.
B: Don’t worry, I will find your wallet for you.

261 Give it a try
試試看 A: I have some cookies. Do you want to give it a try?
B: Yes, please.

262 Could you give me a ride?
方便載我一程嗎? A: I twisted my ankle. Could you give me a ride?
B: Where do you live?

263 Your outfit is dazzling
你的穿著好炫! A: Wow! Your outfit is dazzling.
B: Thank you.

264 I want to hit you.
我想打你 A: You are such a pain. I want to hit you so badly.
B: Hey! Get control of yourself.

265 You can be at ease.
你放一百二十顆心! A: Leave everything to me. You can be at ease.
B: Are you sure?

266 Listen to…
聽…..(的指示) A: I won’t listen to you anymore.
B: Stop being a baby.

267 You are really experienced.
你真的很內行喔! A: I can get your air-conditioner fixed in ten minutes.
B: Wow! You are really experienced.

268 Why is there a traffic jam again?
怎麼又塞車了? A: Why is there a traffic jam again?
B: There’s a car accident.

269 So so.
還好!還好!;馬馬虎虎 A: What do you think about the movie?
B: So so.

270 My car broke down.
我的車子拋錨了 A: Why are you so late?
B: My car broke down.

271 As long as you’re happy.
你爽就好! A: Will you let me go?
B: As long as you’re happy.

272 You can say so.
可以這麼說啦! A: Is he a special friend?
B: You can say so.

273 Now that’s the way.
這還差不多 A: I’ll do my homework before I play.
B: Now that’s the way.

274 There was an earthquake just now.
剛才有地震 A: There was an earthquake just now.
B: I didn’t feel it.

275 I ran out of gas.
我的車子沒油了 A: Why are we at the gas station?
B: I ran out of gas.

276 How’s the weather today?
今天天氣怎麼樣? A: How’s the weather today?
B: It’s sunny.

277 There’s a typhoon.
颱風來了 A: There’s a typhoon today.
B: Hope nobody will get hurt.

278 The sun is scorching today.
今天太陽好大 A: It’s summer time!
B: Yes, the sun is scorching today.

279 I’ll start as soon as possible.
我馬上開始 A: When will you start cooking?
B: I’ll start as soon as possible.

280 Pretend….
假裝… Let’s pretend it’s mine.

281 My car has been towed.
我的車子被拖吊了 A: Why did you come by bus?
B: My car has been towed.

282 Be careful.
小心 A: It’s wet. Be careful.
B: OK, I will.

283 Poor thing.
真可憐 A: She can’t come here.
B: Poor thing.

284 I wish to talk to you alone.
我想和你私下談談 A: I wish to talk to you alone.
B: About what?

285 It’s not likely.
可能不是這樣 A: She is a strange person.
B: It’s not likely.

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