2009.11.16 02:45 pm
最近期白銀期貨13日以每英兩17.64美元收盤,相對於黃金的1125美元,似乎顯得微不足道。然而,金價今年來只上揚25%,銀價卻已飆漲52%。白銀和黃金一樣是貴重金屬,但在多頭市場來臨時,漲勢通常會超越黃金,在工業金屬上的地位遠比黃金重要,供給銷蝕的情況也比黃金更嚴重。國際金銀交易機構 GoldCore在最近的報告中指出:「白銀是兼具貨幣與工業用途的獨特金屬,目前的價格嚴重遭到低估,是畢生難逢的投資機會。」
- Nov 16 Mon 2009 16:39
投資白銀 畢生難逢機會
- Nov 08 Sun 2009 05:27
巴隆:買美大型股 別碰小型股
2009.11.08 03:58 am
美股自3月低點反彈以來,已出現由大型績優股領漲的跡象,小型股不再是領頭羊。這似乎是因為近來經濟數據每有好轉,都會伴隨其他隱憂 。
績優股還擁有股價優勢。GMO公司投資策略師葛蘭森說:「聯準會(Fed)搶在投資人之前大買垃圾和其他風險資產,績優股相對變得非常便宜。」選股可從3 月9日以來在標普(S&P)500指數中漲幅落後的個股下手。消費者耳熟能詳的嬌生(J&J)、微軟(Microsoft )、沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart)、百事可樂(PepsiCo)、孟山都(Monsanto)、可口可樂(Coca-Cola)、寶鹼(P&G)、 Medtronic、麥當勞、Verizon通訊,以及巴士特國際公司(Baxter)等都是不錯的選擇。其中有些本益比還低於市場平均值。
【2009/11/08 經濟日報】
- Nov 08 Sun 2009 04:26
後石油時代 巴菲特愛上鐵路股
2009.11.08 03:58 am
現在,藉由收購BNSF,巴菲特的綠能投資組合又加入一個角色:清潔煤。位於蒙大拿州與懷俄明州的包德河盆地(Powder River Basin)以盛產低硫的低污染燃煤著稱,可能扮演未來美國清潔能源的要角。而BNSF正是運送包德河盆地煤藏的最主要運輸公司。
- Nov 05 Thu 2009 17:51
2009.11.05 03:05 pm
羅比尼4日則在紐約舉行的一場商品會議中說,羅傑斯預測金價會飆到每英兩2000美元「根本是胡說八道」 (utter nonsense)。
羅比尼在紐約的演說中重申,資產行情已漲得「太多、太快」,「原油價格單憑供需的基本面,就從每桶30美元漲到80 美元以上,是很說不過去的。」
【2009/11/05 聯合晚報】
- Nov 05 Thu 2009 03:55
買股票 先觀察消費行為
2009.11.05 03:28 am
奮勇資本基金(Intrepid Capital)經理人特拉維斯(Mark Travis)管理的基金今年來已上漲26%,表現優異,這都要拜特拉維斯對美國消費者行為的獨具慧眼。
特拉維斯的策略向來報酬不錯。據晨星統計,他管理的基金近三年在溫和配置型基金(moderate-allocation fund)中,年報酬率4.73%,排名第一。今年來更上漲26%,遠超過平均的18.6%。
例如,在美國擁有13條賽車跑道的國際賽車跑道公司(International Speedway Corporation)。ISCA由法蘭斯家族(France family)投資控制,而ISCA幾乎掌控美國電視收視率第二高的職業運動Nascar賽車比賽,「從贊助廠商觀點來看,它的收視率值得玩味。」
- Nov 02 Mon 2009 16:51
油價狂飆 引爆新金融危機?
2009.11.02 02:39 pm
【2009/11/02 聯合晚報
- Oct 30 Fri 2009 01:39
5 Used-Car Red Flags
5 Used-Car Red Flags
By Lauren DeAngelis
If only cars could talk. It would make the buying experience a lot easier, wouldn't it? Because verbalized or not, every used car has a story to tell. And to avoid getting ripped off, it's up to you to listen. You need to know about the skeletons in that car's closet, the dark secrets of its past.
There are so many problems that can hide easily under the surface -- accident damage, a counterfeit title, failing mechanical parts. It's not as if you're marrying the car, but you are making quite a financial commitment. Wouldn't you rather find out about these red flags before saying "I do" and plunking down your hard-earned cash?
With this list of warning signs, you'll be able to make your next used car purchase confidently -- and if you do find "the one," we'll bet the relationship won't end in a messy divorce.
Red Flag #1: No Service Records
More from U.S. News & World Report
» Great Deals on Used Cars
» Best New Car Deals for October
One of the most important aspects of a used car is its maintenance history. You want to make sure you're buying a vehicle that has had routine oil changes and major mileage services. Always ask the seller, even if it's a car dealership, for all service records. If they can't provide those for you, you have no way of knowing if the car has been maintained properly. In addition to asking for records, look for a windshield sticker indicating when the car's next oil change is due. If there's no sticker or it shows an oil change is past due, ask why.
Red Flag #2: Vehicle and Accident History Issues
A vehicle history report is essential for any car purchase. You can ask the seller or dealership for the report or access it yourself online using the car's VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). AutoCheck charges $19.99 for a single report or $29.99 for unlimited reports for 60 days. The report shows accident/damage history as well as title problems, frame damage and an odometer rollback check -- any of which should be deal breakers.
Red Flag #3: Mechanical Problems
A quick look under the car can reveal fluid leaks, but unless you're an expert, you'll need to have someone else do a thorough inspection to make sure it's in good working condition. A PPI, or Pre-Purchase Inspection, is performed by a neutral third party (such as a certified mechanic or automotive technician) and costs about $100 to $200.
The inspection is a detailed assessment of the cosmetic and mechanical condition of the vehicle. It is an invaluable asset since it can alert you to problems, maintenance issues and even frame damage hiding under the surface. The mechanic should put the car on a lift to check undercarriage components. Make sure he or she also uses a paint meter gauge to catch any re-painted body panels -- which mean the car may have been in accidents that weren't reported to the insurance company (if they had been reported, they would show up on your AutoCheck vehicle history report). Choose the party who will perform the inspection, rather than going with someone recommended by the seller. Ask to have the results sent directly to you.
You may be tempted to skip a PPI, but it's almost always well worth it. You're making a large investment in a vehicle, and the price of the PPI is only a very small fraction of that. If any problems the PPI shows are deal breakers, you can walk away from the sale. If not, you can still use them to negotiate a better price.
Red Flag #4: A Problem Title
Your AutoCheck vehicle report will show any problem titles on the car's record at any point in its history -- everything from hail damage to fire damage. Most of these issues are red flags, but here's just a sampling of those to avoid at all costs: Flood titles, which means the vehicle has received extensive water damage; salvage titles, which mean an insurance company has at some point declared the car a total loss due to sustained damage; and junk titles, which mean the vehicle indicate that a vehicle is not safe enough for use and the car cannot be titled again in that state.
Red Flag #5: A Fraudulent Title
A problem-free title doesn't mean it's valid. Criminals can create counterfeit or fraudulent titles and use them to legally register and then sell stolen cars. If you buy a car without a valid title, it's the worst-case scenario -- you don't legally own the car you just bought.
The first step to verify the title is to check with the DMV. Usually, you'll just need the car's VIN number and may be charged a small fee (often these transactions require you to go to the DMV's office). You need to make sure the VIN on the car matches the VIN on the title and the seller's name matches the one on the title. This record check is also valuable because it will show any outstanding liens on the title, which means that the owner is still making payments on the car and doesn't own it outright. This could complicate the sale later, especially if you're buying from a private seller.
However, even if the title appears to belong to the seller, it could still be fraudulent. There are a few signs that may signify foul play. Play close attention if the vehicle was recently brought to your state and titled or if the VIN number on the car is obscured or shows signs of tampering. The title should look official, meaning it will be printed on special paper with watermarks (visible when held up to the light). All text, graphics and borders should be sharp, not blurred. If you can, compare the title with an original (perhaps from a friend's car in the same state) and make sure the two look the same.
The Bottom Line
Checking for all these red flags may seem excessive, but they can save you time and headaches down the line. In the end, the PPI, AutoCheck vehicle history report, DMV records and seller should be consistent. If any of the information seems fishy, consider walking away from the sale. If any of the above warning signs do surface, you may not even want to give the car a second thought. It doesn't hurt to walk away, but it can sure hurt a lot to buy a problem vehicle. Plus, with the internet, you can find virtually any car, anywhere. And as they say, there are plenty of other fish in the sea.
- Oct 28 Wed 2009 15:20
Thank Heaven for Legal Tax Havens
Thank Heaven for Legal Tax Havens
by Kay Bell
Tuesday, October 27, 2009provided byBankrate
If you're like most Americans, you don't have a secret bank account in Switzerland where you stash money to keep it out of IRS hands.
Being out of the foreign tax-shelter loop isn't such a bad thing. Uncle Sam recently signed a new tax treaty with that Alpine nation that should help U.S. collectors crack down on tax-evading owners of foreign bank accounts.
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But there still are plenty of legal tax havens for law-abiding taxpayers. Even better, most regular Joe and Jane taxpayers can easily take advantage of them.
Gimme Shelter
If you own a home, your actual shelter is probably your best tax shelter. Your house's tax-cutting opportunities start as soon as you buy it and continue until you sell it.
You get deductions for all or part of your mortgage interest, points paid to get the loan, interest on certain home equity loans, and your annual property tax payments. These write-offs can help reduce your tax bill each filing season.
Then there is the profit on your home's sale. That's money the IRS can't touch.
"The biggest thing in real estate that would apply to most people is the primary residence sale exclusion," says Mark Luscombe, principal federal tax analyst at CCH in Riverwoods, Ill., a provider of tax information and services.
More from Yahoo! Finance:
• Why Angry Homeowners Are Fighting Their Property Taxes
• States Slamming Residents With Big Tax Hikes
• Don't Put Too Much Stock -- Yet -- In Rising Median Home Prices
Visit the Tax Center
Under this tax code provision, up to $250,000 in sale profit for a single taxpayer, twice that for a married couple filing a joint return, is not taxed. "If you sell before your gain gets to that point, you can avoid ever having to pay tax on the residence," says Luscombe.
The beauty of this home-related tax shelter is that it applies to every principal residence you ever own as long as you meet the IRS rules. The key requirement is that you live in the home two of the five years before you sell.
"There are instances where people will buy a fixer-upper and live there for two years while fixing it up and then sell it at a profit. And though a lot of that profit can be attributable to their sweat equity, they still qualify for home sale exclusion," says Bob D. Scharin, senior tax analyst from the Tax & Accounting business of Thomson Reuters in New York City.
Investment Opportunities
Investment real estate also offers some tax-shelter opportunities.
"One thing with real estate that puts it in that tax category as a more conventional shelter is that you can make a small down payment on real estate yet base your depreciation deduction on the entire purchase price," says Scharin.
Along with the depreciation on the investment property, you also get mortgage interest and real estate tax deductions, as well as a write-off for upkeep and maintenance costs.
Of course, when you sell investment real estate, you will owe capital gains on the profit. But you might be able to delay that bill by taking advantage of another tax law.
Exchange Advantages
Internal Revenue Code Section 1031 offers you a chance to postpone paying taxes on investment property by swapping it for another. Also known as a like-kind exchange, you sell a property and then use those proceeds to purchase another like one.
"Instead of recognized gain on the sold property, you roll it into new property and essentially reduce your cost basis in the new property by that gain," says Dawn Greenberg, CPA and tax principal at Toms River, N.J.-based Cowan, Gunteski & Co.
When you eventually sell the new property, you'll recognize the originally deferred gain plus any additional accrued since you purchased the replacement property. But if you don't need the proceeds and just want to get rid of the property, says Greenberg, a 1031 exchange could help postpone an investment tax bill. In effect, you get an interest-free loan from Uncle Sam in the amount you would have paid in taxes.
While like-kind exchanges are often used by real estate investors, the technique is available for any investment or business property. If you're interested in a 1031 exchange, consult an expert in the area. It can get complicated and there are strict rules, such as the requirement that any swap be made by a qualified intermediary rather than by the property owner. If you make a misstep in the exchange process, it could invalidate any tax benefits.
Municipal Bonds
If you prefer more traditional investments, there are some tax shelter opportunities there, too.
"If bonds fit into your financial plan, look at municipal bonds," says Luscombe. These instruments are issued primarily by state or local governments, or state-related organizations.
The tax benefit? Some states don't tax interest on bonds issued by their municipalities. As for the IRS, municipal bond income is not taxed at the federal level.
Business Tax Breaks
Business owners, including those who set up a sideline to supplement full-time wage income, can use several IRS-approved tax shelters.
Section 179 of the tax code allows you to deduct substantial costs of business property purchases in the tax year they are made. Without this provision, the costs of items such as furniture and other equipment special to your business would have to be recovered through depreciation over several years, says Scharin.
If you operate your business out of your home, you could be entitled to a home office deduction. With this tax break, you can convert some of the maintenance cost of your home to tax deductions.
"The insurance on your house or if you need a new roof, a percentage of these costs would be deductible," says Scharin. The amount is figured using the percentage of space that your home office represents.
A business owner also can hire the spouse and kids as long as they do real work for the company. "That gets additional income to them and provides deductions to the business," says Luscombe.
Workplace Benefits
You don't have to be an entrepreneur to shelter income from Uncle Sam.
Greenberg says employees should take advantage of workplace benefits. Flexible spending accounts, to help pay child care costs and out-of-pocket medical expenses, allow workers to contribute money to the accounts before payroll taxes are figured. "You never pay taxes on that money," says Greenberg.
That same pretax break is available for workplace 401(k) retirement plans.
Retirement Plans
Other outside-the-office retirement savings also can help you shelter income. Some traditional IRA owners might get an immediate tax deduction on their returns, along with a deferral of taxes on the IRA earnings.
A Roth IRA is great way for some folks to avoid tax. You don't get any deduction for Roth contributions, but when you eventually take money out of the account, it will be tax-free.
And entrepreneurs have a variety of retirement plans -- SEP and SIMPLE IRAs, Keoghs, Solo 401(k)s -- that can help reduce their taxable business income as well as help prepare for eventual life after work.
With each of these various tax shelters, from your home to investments to your job to retirement savings, the IRS offers ways to hang onto more of your money. And when the tax man says it's OK to keep money out of his hands, who's going to argue?
Copyrighted, Bankrate.com. All rights reserved.
- Oct 28 Wed 2009 01:53
低報盈餘目標 美股財報藏玄機
2009.10.27 03:59 am
經紀商Broadpoint AmTech公司科技分析師馬休爾多年觀察後發現,蘋果設定的目標低得離譜;然而,分析師就算覺得可疑,卻苦無證據,只好接受並根據企業版數字提出預估目標。
【2009/10/27 聯合報】@ http://udn.com
- Oct 28 Wed 2009 01:33
金融海嘯押高盛 巴菲特狂賺數十億美元
2009.10.27 02:39 pm
巴菲特的成績傲人,他旗下波克夏公司的平均年成長率達20.3%,從1965年至今成長了到336,000%,是美國S&P 500指數的84倍。
- Oct 22 Thu 2009 05:26
想賺錢 先幫「她」省時間
2009.10.22 03:48 am
新書《女人要更多》(Women Want More,暫譯)的作者席維斯坦(Michael Silverstein)和賽爾(Kate Sayre)指出,女性需要能夠幫她們省時的產品和服務,浪費太多時間的當然就為她們摒棄。
不滿革命 醞釀金礦
不少企業已掌握到女性對時間的需求,例如加州連鎖超市Trader Joe's,推出方便省時的調理食品;服飾零售業者蓋普(Gap)旗下品牌香蕉共和國(Banana Republic)把服飾風格標準化,使女性購衣更輕鬆省時。
女性颶風 吹出商機
【2009/10/22 經濟日報】
- Oct 22 Thu 2009 05:22
7成粉領族是小腹婆 怕三高
2009.10.22 02:56 am
【2009/10/22 聯合報
- Oct 22 Thu 2009 01:37
‧諾姆.布羅斯基 2009/10/20
- Oct 21 Wed 2009 01:10
蘋果獲利三級跳 股價上看250美元
2009.10.20 03:09 pm
受惠於智慧型手機iPhone和麥金塔 (Macintosh)電腦空前熱賣,美國蘋果公司上季淨利跳增47%,營收也大漲25%,遠遠超過分析師預期,帶動蘋果盤後股價衝破歷史記錄,未來繼續看漲。
截至9月26日為止的會計年度第4季,蘋果獲利達到驚人的16.7億美元,或每股1.82美元,優於去年同期的11.4億美元和每股1.26美元。第4季營收為98.7億美元,遠高於去年同期的79億美元。蘋果的業績比分析師已經十分樂觀預測還要漂亮,據湯森路透調查,分析師預測的營收為92億美元或每股 1.42美元。
iPhone和麥金塔的銷量雙雙刷新歷史紀錄,麥金塔電腦在經濟下滑中的表現壓過其他電腦,上季共售出305萬台,較去年同期的260萬台成長17%,高於分析師預期的280萬台。iPhone銷量也成長7%,賣出740萬支,高於分析師預測的700 萬支。
為因應經濟不景氣,蘋果祭6月份推出速度更快的iPhone 3G ,並把舊款機種價格降至99美元,積極行銷策略的成效卓著。iPhone銷售量比上一季度成長了43%,並出現產量不足的現象,顯示市場需求強勁。
不過,由於新款iPhone整合了數位音樂播放機iPod的功能,導致iPod銷售成績受挫,上季銷售量降至1020萬台,較去年同期衰退8%;9月份推出結合影像攝影功能的iPod Nano,無法有效提振買氣。
蘋果2009會計年度獲利成長18%至57億美元,每股5.36美元,營收成長13%至365億美元。蘋果預測本季獲利1.70至1.78 美元,低於分析師預測的1.91美元。但蘋果本身的財測一向極為保守,投資人期待iPhone於10月30日在中國開賣、本季也將在南韓上市,預料 iPhone的銷售量會繼續強勁成長。
- Oct 18 Sun 2009 06:53
Good Pay Without a 4-Year Degree
10 Careers With Shorter On-Ramps
A well-paying, rewarding career doesn't have to mean a four-year slog through college. There are plenty of jobs that pay nicely with less education, ranging from certificate courses just a few months long to two-year community college programs.
Education costs for most of these careers are modest -- you might even pay nothing at all. If you're from a low-income family and between 18-24, you may qualify to receive up to three years of free job training, housing and support services through the federal program Job Corps. National program director Esther Jacobs says Job Corps serves roughly 100,000 students a year.
"We're the best-kept secret in this country," she says.
Otherwise, state-sponsored technical and vocational schools will usually be a cheaper option than private training companies, and many offer financial aid. Most training programs will help you with job placement when you're done, too.
Here's a look at some of the best-paying jobs you can get into fast, listed with their median annual pay rate for someone with three to five years' experience, according to PayScale.com.
Network installers, network administrators, computer systems administrators
If you enjoy tinkering with computers and wireless-network routers, consider this field. The business slowdown may have damped demand a bit, but it'll rebound fast as the economy picks up, says Laurence Shatkin, co-author of "300 Best Jobs Without a Four-Year Degree." Salary: $49,801.
Police officer
Law-and-order types who enjoy working with people might consider a quick career change into law enforcement. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports some police departments take candidates right out of high school and let them start with just a few months of training provided by the department, while others require one to two years of police-academy training. $47,485.
Court reporter
This one's a great recession-proof career for those who enjoy courtroom drama. There's great job security as the courts must continue to function in good times or bad, notes author Shatkin. $47,275.
Clinical laboratory technologist
Science nuts who regularly watch "CSI" might want to consider this line of work. Clinical lab techs examine tissue and body fluids under a microscope and test them for diseases. This field is expected to grow as new diagnostic tests continue to be developed, says Shatkin. Entry into the field requires at least a two-year training course from either a technical college or hospital. $47,081.
Heating-ventilation-air conditioning (HVAC) installer
If you enjoy working with your hands, this job's got that, along with the satisfaction of knowing you're helping people stay cool -- or warm. You can earn the required certificate at a community college, private school or online (click here for a list of schools), and get started in just a few months. $44,814.
Computer numerical control
In areas of the country that still have a strong manufacturing base, there's demand for people who can program the robots that do much of today's assembly-line work, says Bryan Albrecht, president of Gateway Technical College in Kenosha, Wisconsin. "You need strong analytical decision making skills, where you can diagnose a problem in a machine," he says. $44,629.
Solar energy systems installer
This and many other "green" jobs are hot now, as the recently signed federal stimulus bill put billions into alternative energy and energy conservation. Albrecht reports classes in this field are filling up fast at his college, as a boom in installing solar panels is expected. $44,460.
Correctional officer
Working in prisons can be stressful and hazardous, so it pays pretty well. Corrections can also be a good option for those who want to work the night shift, as prisons must be staffed 24/7. The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics report on this occupation notes that local and state prisons may accept high school graduates without further training. $42,795.
Security and fire-alarm systems installers
Demand for security systems, Webcams and fire alarms is increasing, author Shatkin says, because the price of these systems is falling. The National Alarm Association of America says training can be done in less than two weeks and costs under $1,000. $41,417.
Aircraft mechanic
People who enjoy tinkering with their cars -- and live near an airport -- might consider this field, which pays better than automotive repair. Unless Americans suddenly give up their love affair with cheap travel, this field is expected to see continued steady growth. According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 170 schools nationwide are certified by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to offer the needed training, which usually takes between 18 months and two years. $39,584.